Prayer for salvation

Note: There is nothing "magical" about these words. Salvation is by grace through faith alone. That means that what is in your heart is more important that the correct set of words. We provide this prayer as a sample of what a prayer for salvation could look like. If you pray this prayer (silently or out loud) and mean it in your heart, you will be saved.
  Thank you for creating me, loving me, and bringing me to this point in my life. I admit that I have done things that you say are wrong, and I'm sorry.  Thank you for sending Jesus. I believe He is your one and only son, and that He died on the cross to pay the penalty for my sins. And I believe He rose again on the third day. Today, I accept Him as my Savior and as my Lord. From this day forward, I will do my best to learn and follow His teachings in my life rather than pursuing my old life.

Help me to grow in my faith, tell others what You have done for me, and bring You glory every day.
Thank you for saving me through the blood of Jesus.
In His name I pray,

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