Blaze Class Descriptions 2025-2026
All students not currently enrolled at Blaze for the 2024-2025 school year will be required to take placement exams prior to enrolling in the following courses: Math, Science, Writing.

Pre-Algebra: $750 ($75 per month)
Supply Fee: $25
This class meets one time per week Aug-May
This class is designed to transition students from basic elementary math to the more complex thinking of algebra, with a focus on learning fluency with numbers. Students will learn to manipulate numbers by analyzing complex problems and solving them in multiple ways. Students will be encouraged to think logically to solve a problem, not just to repeat given steps without knowing why.
Prerequisite: Assessment provided by Blaze Director; Assessment dates TBD
Algebra 1: $800 ($80 per month)
Supply Fee: $25
This class meets one time per week Aug-May
This course covers basic algebra topics such as solving equations and inequalities in one and two variables, graphing linear equations and inequalities, working with exponents and factoring.
Prerequisites: Pre-Algebra; Assessment provided by Blaze Director; Assessment dates TBD
Algebra 2 :$800 ($80 per month)
Supply Fee: $25
This class meets one per week Aug-May
This course is an extension of the Algebra 1 curriculum. Topics that were first introduced in Algebra 1 will be built upon and applied to problems that require higher order thinking skills. Fundamental skills of mathematics will be applied to such topics as functions, equations and inequalities, probability and statistics, logarithmic and exponential relationships, quadratic and polynomial equations, and matrices. Technology will be used to introduce and expand upon the areas of study listed above.
Supply Fee: $25
This class meets one time per week Aug-May
This is an activity-based geometry course. All major topics are covered including (triangles, quadrilaterals, circles, area, volume, congruency, similarity etc.)
Prerequisites: Algebra 1; Assessment provided by Blaze Director; Assessment dates TBD
Dual Credit Math: $1100 (110 per month) T.J. Kragenbrink
This class meets one time per week Aug-May
Supply Fee: $25
This class meets one time per week Aug-May
Students will explore the glory of God on display in the scientific study of oceans, astronomy, weather, minerals, caves, fossils and more!
Textbooks: General Science 1: Survey of Earth and Sky Curriculum Pack - Grade 10 - Grade 11 - Homeschool Curriculum - General Science (
High School Physics: $800 ($80 per month) J. Douglas
Supply Fee: $25
This class meets one time per week Aug-May
This high school physics course is appropriate for anyone in high school who has taken or is currently taking Algebra 1. This course does not use trigonometry, so it is appropriate for those in 9th grade, but is also challenging enough for students in the upper grades of high school as well.
The students will learn about many topics in physics such as the scientific method, Newton’s Laws of Motion, energy, momentum, atoms and matter, heat and temperature, pressure and buoyancy, waves, sound and light, electricity, DC circuits, fields and magnetism, and geometric optics.
Class time will be spent doing experiments, answering questions on material previously covered and introducing new material. Cumulative quizzes will be given weekly and four quarterly tests will be given. The textbook used focuses on mastery-based learning. Each week students will spend about 2/3 of their time on new material and 1/3 of their time reviewing old material. Lab reports will also be done throughout the year.
Prerequisites: Assessment provided by Blaze Director
High School Biology: $800 ($80 per month)
Supply Fee: $25
This class meets one time per week Aug-May
High School Chemistry: $800 ($80 per month)
Supply Fee: $25
This class meets one time per week Aug-May
This class meets one time per week Aug-May
This class is best for incoming 6th-grade students and 7th-grade students who need to focus on grammar instruction and improving their writing skills.
Throughout this class, students will practice good writing habits, such as being consistent with incorporating the writing process: brainstorming, outlining, creating a rough draft, editing, and producing a quality final copy. They will also work on increasing their vocabulary through out-of-class reading and encouragement to use more vivid words as they write their descriptions and creatively express their thoughts. There will be a heavy emphasis on complete and comprehensive coverage of all three elements of G.U.M. – Grammar (i.e. parts of speech, complete sentences), Usage (i.e. homophones, figures of speech, proper word choice to convey meaning), and Mechanics (i.e. punctuation, capitalization).
While this class will not focus on literature, there will be required reading from a provided list that the students will work on independently. This reading will be considered a part of their grade, and they will give an oral report on their chosen books several times throughout the school year. By the end of the school year, your student should feel better prepared for the higher-level writing required in the upper grades.
Required Materials:
- Exercises in English Level G
ISBN.10: 9780829436396
- The Baran Method Writing for Success
ISBN.10: 9781732683723
- The Baran Method Workbook Seventh Grade
ISBN.10: 9781953538055
Supplies: Red, Green, and Blue Pens
Red(pink), Green, and Blue Highlighters all 3 of each color needed for the Baran Method
Literature 6th-7th Grades: $750 ($75 per month) J. Millwee
Supply Fee: $25
This class meets one time per week Aug-May
This course is designed to ignite a passion for reading while developing critical thinking and analytical skills. Students will read age-appropriate literature and be led through deep, meaningful discussions that explore themes and characters of each work. We will also have interactive, hands-on activities that will bring the stories to life. Throughout the course, students will learn to recognize literary devices and book structures, providing them with the tools to appreciate and critique high quality writing.
English 8th-9th Grades: $800 ($80 per month) S. Douglas
Supply Fee: $20
This class meets one time per week Aug-May
This class is best for 8th grade students and incoming Freshmen.
Throughout the school year students will:
• read novels and watch movies that will help them learn different aspects of literary analysis
• learn to write a personal narrative, different types of essays, a research paper, and poetry
• do grammar warm-ups at the beginning of class
• practice public speaking
For this class we will be using the following curriculum:
-One Year of High School English/Language Arts (a good fit for 9th grade)
The students will have access to all of the material, but if you would like your student to have all of the material prior to class day, you are able to purchase it at the link provided above. Please email Blaze Director for the discount code.
The books they will needed throughout the year:
-To Kill a Mockingbird (Starting of the school year, will need by week 1)
-Antigone (can be found in the Public Domain online)
-God's Smuggler
Second Semester:
-Anne of Green Gables
-Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats
-The Practice of the Presence of God
English 10th-12th Grades: $800 ($80per month)
Supply Fee: $20
This class meets one time per week Aug-May
This class is best for 10th-grade to 12th-grade students who would like to improve their overall writing skills and prepare themselves for the writing expectations of college and life after school. Some of the writing assignments students will work on throughout the school year will be:
• a personal narrative, a persuasive essay, a research report, and in the second semester they will work on SAT/ACT practice and timed essays.
While this class will not focus on literature, there will be required reading from a provided list that the students will work on independently. This reading will be considered a part of their grade, and they will give an oral report on their chosen books several times throughout the
school year.
This class will offer a mixture of well-written, masterfully-developed curriculums such as:
Masterbook's Jensen's Format Writing, 7Sister's ELA Writing, The Baran Method Writing, and Sadlier's Writing Workshop.
Because this year's curriculum is an eclectic mix of different sources, there will not be any books to buy and instead there will simply be a $20 printing fee.
Everything will be provided in class and posted on Google Classroom as needed. A general outline of the material covered for the year will be provided at Meet the Teacher and on the first day of class.
Dual Credit English: $1100
This class meets one time per week Aug-May
Students will receive college level instruction in the area of English. Within English 1301 and 1302, students will learn to read and write across multiple genres. This course is offered in partnership with Sam Houston State University. This class will take place on the Blaze campus at First Montgomery.
***Students must complete required paperwork and testing for this course prior to the first day of class on Blaze campus.***
Supply Fee: $25
This class meets one time per week Aug-May
Students will study the history of the great state of Texas from early times to the present day. They will examine the full scope of Texas history including the cultures of Native Americans living in Texas prior to European exploration and the eras of mission-building, colonization, revolution, republic and statehood. The focus in each era is on key individuals, events and issues and their impact.
Textbook: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Texas History student edition
It is available from Amazon for $56.69 with some used books available from Perpetual Textbooks for $43.56
ISBN 978-0544320307
Students will also need a 1” 3-ring binder with notebook paper.
High School World Geography: $800 ($80 per month) P. Moon
This class meets one time per week Aug-May
In World Geography, students examine people, places, and environments at local, regional, national, and international scales from the spatial and ecological perspectives of geography.
Students will describe the influence of geography on events of the past and present with emphasis on contemporary issues.
A significant portion of the course centers around:
•the physical processes that shape patterns in the physical environment
•the characteristics of major landforms, climates, and ecosystems and their interrelationships
•the political, economic, and social processes that shape cultural patterns of regions
•types and patterns of settlement; the distribution and movement of the world population
•relationships among people, places, and environments
•the concept of region
Students will analyze how location affects economic activities in different economic systems, identify the processes that influence political divisions of the planet and analyze how different points of view affect the development of public policies. Students will also compare how components of culture shape the characteristics of regions and analyze the impact of technology and human modifications on the physical environment and use problem-solving and decision-making skills to ask and answer geographic questions.
High School American History: $800 ($80 per month)
Supply Fee: $25
This class meets one time per week Aug-May
Elective Courses
Supply Fee: $25
This class meets one time per week Aug-May
Bible Survey: $200 ($20 per month) P. Moon
This class meets one time per week Aug-May
Chronological Survey of the Bible
Supply needed is one of the following:
CSB Day by Day Chronological Bible by George H. Guthrie
Reader's Guide to the Bible: A Chronological Reading Plan by George H. Guthrie
Secondary Choir: $775 ($77.50 per month) L. Standard
Supply Fee: $25
This class meets one time per week Aug-May
Our youth choir invites passionate young voices to join a transformative musical journey! This class is designed for 6th through 12th graders who love singing, seek camaraderie, and have a heart for worship. Participants will explore a range of modern choral arrangements from lively contemporary anthems to soulful gospel classics. Our vision for Blaze Praise is to be more than a choir—but a community where friendships flourish, and faith finds its voice through song. No prior experience is necessary; all skill levels are welcome. We will cover everything from singing posture and technique to vocal ranges, melody, harmony in parts, and stage presence. Rehearse, perform, and ignite the stage with your love for Jesus! Join Blaze Praise Youth Choir and lift your voice in worship to Him!
Theater: $775 ($77.50 per month) M. and G. Brannon
This class meets one time per week Aug-May
The objective of this class is for 6th through 12th grade students to gain confidence in their ability to speak and perform in front of an audience. Side effects may include increased creativity, better listening skills, and improved memorization, empathy, and flexibility.
Many shy and introverted kids enjoy playing a character and having words provided for them instead of struggling with what to say. Our prayer is that this class ministers to your children by growing their confidence and tapping into sides of themselves they didn’t know they had.
Class structure will include monologue work, scene studies, and improv. We plan to have a lot of fun.
Prerequisites: None
Adulting 101: $775 ($77.50 per month) M. and G. Brannon
Supply Fee: $35
This class meets one time per week Aug-May
Have you seen that meme that says “I’m so glad I’m learning to do parallelograms instead of taxes. That will really come in handy come parallelogram season”?
That’s the spirit behind this class. Not that parallelograms don’t have their place, but many high school graduates fly the coop and end up discovering a world where they feel unequipped to function. We want to go through some of the fundamentals of adulting, to impart some knowledge that most of us take for granted but can give confidence to young people who want to feel ahead of the game.
We’ll be talking about Health Insurance - Healthcare is a disaster and we couldn’t decipher it if we tried but we will at least cover the basics- What is a deductible, premium, copay, and alternatives to traditional health plans.
We’ll even be looking at some car maintenance tips so your student will know what to do with a flat tire or check engine light.
Teen Talk - A few minutes each class will be spent discussing and role-playing things like- how to introduce yourself and make small talk, good manners, and etiquette, how to establish a good reputation, how to greet parents of your friends when going to hang out at their home, etc.
These are the types of topics we’ll be tackling, and we’ll be doing regular AMA’s (Ask Me Anything) so we can help these students avoid some of the mistakes we’ve made and learn some valuable lessons sooner rather than later.
Introduction to Sewing: $775($77.50 per month) C. Dye
Supply Fee: $80
This class meets one time per week Aug-May
Introduction to Sewing will focus on several aspects of the sewing hobby and industry. The fall semester course will be broken into two units: basic hand sewing skills and then sewing machine anatomy/maintenance. Within each unit, we will cover various topics that coincide with a specific unit project. Each student will construct a major project within each unit to solidify and master the skills learned during the unit study. Sewing is a hobby that allows for fun projects, teaches you to be more self-sufficient, and even opens opportunities in entrepreneurial endeavors! 6th through 12th grade. Prerequisites: None.
Supply List (Note that not all supplies will be needed all at once):
1. Basic sewing kit containing: (Need on the first day of class)
a. hand sewing needles, spool of black cotton thread, spool of white cotton thread, needle threader, seam ripper, flexible seamstress measuring tape, sewing pins, fabric-only scissors, 2-hold & 4-hole buttons
2. Hand Sewing Unit Project: (Need by week 4 of class)
a. 3-4 assorted colors of embroidery floss
b. 28” x 28” flour sack kitchen towel
3. Machine Sewing Unit Project: (Need by week 8 of class)
a. 3⁄4 yard woven cotton fabric (main fabric)
b. 1⁄4 yard woven cotton fabric (coordinating accent fabric)
The spring semester course will be broken into two units: garment construction and quilt construction. Within each unit, we will cover various topics that coincide with a specific unit project. Each student will construct a major project within each unit to solidify and master the
skills learned during the unit study. Sewing is a hobby that allows for fun projects, teaches you to be more self-sufficient, and even opens opportunities in entrepreneurial endeavors!
Supply List (Note that not all supplies will be needed all at once. Dates will be given in advance):
1. Basic sewing kit containing: (Need on the first day of class, should have from previous semester)
a. hand sewing needles, spool of black cotton thread, spool of white cotton thread, needle threader, seam ripper, flexible seamstress measuring tape, sewing pins, fabric-only scissors
2. Garment Construction Unit: (Need by week 2 of class)
a. 2.5 yards of woven cotton fabric
b. 1.5-inch width non-roll elastic (length needs to be the measurement of student’s hip + 3 inches.)
3. Quilt Construction Unit: (Need by week 7 of class)
a. 4 cuts of coordinating quilting cotton fabric:
- Color 1: 15 inches
- Color 2: 25 inches
- Color 3: 25 inches
- Color 4: 15 inches
b. 1.5 yards (54 inches) of coordinating quilting cotton fabric
c. throw-size quilt batting
d. 2 colors of coordinating embroidery floss
Beginner Woodworking: $775 ($77.50 per month) S. Barry
Supply Fee: $150
This class meets one time per week Aug-May
This course will provide an overview of wood technology. This is a foundational course for a career in woodworking or construction. This course is designed to instruct students in the areas of reading project drawings, knowledge of wood and uses, calculations of materials, numerous joinery designs, wood lamination and project procedures. A major emphasis will be placed on safety, proper hand and power tool usage and wood processes. Students will receive an in-depth introduction to the woodshop and gain practical knowledge needed to work on their own projects as well as continue with lifelong skills in woodworking and construction.
Advanced Woodworking: $775 ($77.50 per month) S. Barry)
Supply Fee: $225
Advanced Art: $775 ($77.50 per month) A. Monreal
Supply List will be given before first class.
This class meets one time per week Aug-May
This art class will be focusing on the foundations in art. We will be working on black and white/grayscale sketching and drawing. Students will learn the correct uses for their art tools and how to apply it to their work. From there, the foundations of drawing real world objects. Learning shape theory and how to break things that they see around them into shapes. Exploring basic anatomy, shading, lighting, figure drawing, concept art, and more. Through the year, we will build on each previous lesson. I hope that in the next year we can proceed with applying color to our art, and proceed further into finding their style and art voice. 9th through 12th grade.
Art 6th-12th: $775 ($77.50 per month) J. Millwee
Supply Fee: $35
This class meets one time per week Aug-May
This course invites students to discover and experiment with a range of artistic mediums and techniques. Throughout the class, students will have opportunities to work with different media - examples include various types of paint (such as watercolor, acrylic, and gouache), pastels (oil and chalk), and various types of sculpting - as well as other materials and methods inspired by their creativity. As they work with these diverse media, students will study and apply the fundamental elements of art - line, shape, texture, color, and value - to develop a deeper understanding of visual composition. This hands-on, experimental class empowers students to explore creative possibilities and develop their own unique artistic voice.
Photography $775 ($77.50 per month)
This class meets one time per week Aug-May
Grades 9-12
Students will learn the basics of black and white and color photography along with camera operation, processing and studio setup. 6th through 12th grade. Students must provide their own camera and computer to class weekly.
Music Theory $775 ($77.50 per month) L. Standard
Supply Fee: $25
This class meets one time per week Aug-May
Health and Fitness $775 ($77.50 per month) T.J. Kragenbrink
This class meets one time per week Aug-May
Elementary Courses (Grades K-5th)

Supply Fee: $25
This class meets one time per week Aug-May
Lil’ Texas History: $700 ($70 per month) S. Moore
Supply Fee: $25
This class meets one time per week Aug-May
Students will study the history of the great state of Texas from early times to the present day. Through hands on activities and play, students will examine the parts of Texas history including symbols, landmarks, regions, rivers, and Texas VIPs. Students will need a 1” 3-ring binder
Bible Club: $700 ($70.00 per month)
Supply Fee: $25
The class meets one time per week Aug-May
Elementary Choir: $700 ($70.00 per month) L. Standard
Supply Fee: $25
This class meets one time per week Aug-May
Tailored for budding musicians in grades 2 to 5, this class is a vibrant introduction to music. We will lay a solid foundation of musical skills, build confidence, and form lasting friendships as we delve into rhythm, instruments, pitch, singing, and musical crafts and games. Depending on participation, students will also have the opportunity to prepare a musical or perform alongside Blaze Praise Youth Choir. Our welcoming approach accommodates beginners while catering to those with some prior musical education, ensuring that everyone can find their place to thrive. Join us on a musical adventure and let the journey of musical exploration and praise unfold!
Book Club for Kids: $700 ($70 per month)
Supply Fee: $25
This class meets one time per week Aug-May
Read, read, read. Discuss, discuss, discuss. Learn the difference between fiction and non-fiction and what books fit where. In addition, students will complete activities and craft projects related to each book. Each student will also present two book bites (creative book reports). Students will need one three ring binder and will need to acquire a library card the first week of class if possible.
Elementary Spanish: $700 ($70 per month)
Supply Fee: $25
This class meets one time per week Aug-May
Elementary Art: $700 ($70 per month) S. Cano
Supply Fee: $25
This class meets one time per week Aug-May
Elementary Sewing: $700 (70 per month)
Supply Fee: $25
This class meets one time per week Aug-May
Grades 2-5
Ready Set Grow-Gardening: $700 ($70 per month)
Supply Fee: $25
This class meets one time per week Aug-May
Beginner Color Guard $700 ($70 per month)
Supply Fee: $50
This class meets one time per week Aug-May
Grades 2-5