
Welcome to Blaze Christian Academy's Elementary School!

The idea of Blaze began with a simple thought: faith cannot be removed from education. From there, First Montgomery Baptist Church began exploring ways to provide Christian education in Montgomery. The result has been so exciting, and we have only just begun! Explore the links above to learn more about us, and please contact us if you would like to tour or ask questions.

Soli Deo Gloria (For God’s Glory Alone)

Children are a heritage from the LORD....

Psalm 127:3

We provide a Christ-centered education and develop well-rounded servant leaders through sound pillars of knowledge and faith.


Our logo is a visual reminder of our core values.  The pillar represents faith and knowledge, our core values.

1. We seek to know God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit).
2. We desire saving faith in Jesus for all.
3. We attempt to live out God’s truth in our daily lives.
4. We will bring glory to God alone.
1. We seek to understand God’s creation
2. We create a safe learning environment for all students.
3. We raise up servant leaders who are lifelong learners.
4. We pursue academic excellence at all ages.

The Banner:
Across the pillar reads “Soli Deo Gloria”, which means “Glory to God alone.”


Deuteronomy 6:6–7 (ESV)
And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.

Proverbs 22:6 (KJV)
Train up a child in the way he should go:
And when he is old, he will not depart from it.

The Bible clearly teaches us that we are to diligently instruct our children in God’s truths so that when they are older, these truths will serve to anchor their lives when the seas get rough. Christians throughout history have taken this task seriously. In the colonial period, it was Christians who formed the first schools, driven by the desire for children to be able to read the Bible. It was Christians who began the first universities in America. Harvard’s founding mission stated:

“Let every Student be plainly instructed, and earnestly pressed to consider well, the main end of his life and studies is, to know God and Jesus Christ which is eternal life (John 17:3) and therefore to lay Christ in the bottom, as the only foundation of all sound knowledge and learning. And seeing the Lord only gives wisdom, let every one seriously set himself by prayer in secret to seek it of him (Prov. 2:3).”

Likewise, Blaze Christian Academy states unequivocally that all knowledge of the universe and its workings comes from the Creator of the Universe Himself. We can study the order of the universe because God is an orderly creator. Removing God as the source of knowledge results in the teaching of only the wisdom of man, which is far inferior to the wisdom of God. We desire true knowledge and wisdom for our children and will teach all the knowledge we can to them, always keeping it rooted in God.


All faith should begin in the home, and we recognize that parents are God’s primary teachers of faith. But we count it a blessing to come alongside you to help in any way we can. Whether through prayer, guidance, or direct instruction, Blaze Christian Academy stands ready to assist you in the instruction of faith to your child.

It is our goal that every student enrolled at Heritage will come to saving faith in Jesus Christ. We will be teaching about Jesus, biblical truth, and the plan of salvation to every child. And when he/she is ready to accept Jesus as Savior and Lord, we’ll join you in celebration!

We assist in the spiritual formation of every student in several ways. First, we integrate faith in every subject as much as possible. Second, all students attend chapel each week, where we teach the Bible faithfully. Third, we encourage every family to be actively involved in a home church. If your family has not yet found a home church, we invite you to visit First Montgomery for any service or Bible Study. We’d love to be your church!